Angkor Wat – The Biggest Human Civilization you can find in Cambodia

Angkor Wat - Destinasi Wisata Wajib Di Kamboja –  Angkor Wat is in the top prioritize when the traveler around the world want to find a place to go in Asia. Yes Angkor Wat as we know as one of the biggest human civilization that we can see in this modern area, can only be found in Cambodia Siem Reap, Asia.

The first question that comes out in the mind of traveler is what is the best time to go visit Angkor Wat ? if you want to come here, the best month to come is between February until august. the weather will be hot, but in this month you will found the best sunrise you can ever seen in your life. and for the best time is you can come here around 4 o’clock in the morning to found out the fabulous stunning sun rise in here. as we can see, Angkor Wat is surrounding but a lot of old temple that make it looks like Candi Borobudur in Indonesia, But the different is the location, in where Angkor Wat is located near the hill that makes is that time to travel from one temple to another temple.

When we are in here, as long as you can see, all the big temple and small temple surrounding this place, you will feel that you are traveling the time and go back to the old time where you can not find anythings like this before.

the most popular temple in here in Bayon temple. it so easy to find this temple because all the Cambodian people mostly know where the Bayon is located. this temple also is the Iconic temple in Angkor Wat.


All the temple in here is based on the tradition and also the Hindu  religion. when the first time you came to Angkor Wat you will cross one ‘ Rainbow Bridge ‘ before you reached this place.

So if you are planning to travel to Angkor Wat and do not know where to start, do not confuse because in the main road you will find a locket where you can buy an one day ticket until three days ticket in where that ticket will provide you a tour guide to help you travel this Magnificent Angkor Wat. we recommend you to buy the three days one because only within three days you can travel all place in Angkor Wat.

Keep Calm and Go Travel the Worlds.